Fern och Fika ett växtbaserat café mitt i Sthlm city. Fern och fika har två ställen, men båda ligger ganska centralt. En av dem ett stenkast från Stureplan och den andra på söder vid Hornstull.
Så här skriver Fern och Fika själva om sitt koncept – We started Fern & Fika because we wanted to make a change. A change in how we consume, in how we treat our body, nature, and animals. Fern represents the planet Earth and Nature. Through Fika, our community meets and together we put the foundation for a better and greener future. We are reinventing Fika and food by serving the highest quality plant-based experience.

- Vilken typ av restaurang: Växtbaserad
- Utseende restaurang: Caféet som jag besökte ligger i kontorslanskapet Norrsken. Utseendet var därför anpassat därefter och inte med någon speciell mysfaktor, utan mera modernt och bussiness.
- Första intryck, känsla och energi: Känslan och första intrycket var neutralt.
- Service: Ok och inget speciellt.
- Utseende mat: Jag drack en rödbetslatte och den smakade super gott och hade en fin rosa färg.
- Smak: Provade aldrig maten, men the pink latte var super.
- Favorit rätt: Har ingen ännu

Fern och fika har två cafeer precis som jag skrev ovan. Den som ligger på söder är betydligt mysigare, mera hemtrevlig och har en helt annat feeling än den jag besökte på Norrsken. Vill du enbart fika och umgås med några vänner så besök den på söder, men är du i city för en bussinesslunch eller möte är filialen hos Norrsken super. Tanken och visionen bakom cafeet är mycket bra.
“We believe that a positive change towards our wellbeing together with a greener planet starts with the food we choose to put in our bodies. As within so without. That is why it is so important to choose real nourishment without any compromises in the flavour nor the experience”.
Fern och fika får 3/5 stjärnor. Detta beror på att jag upplevde inget speciellt med servicen, men latten var super god och nästa gång ska jag prova maten.
Fern and Fika a plant-based eatery in the middle of Sthlm city. Fern and coffee have two places, but both are quite central. One of them a stone’s throw from Stureplan and the other to the south at Hornstull.
This is how Fern and Fika write about their concept – We started Fern & Fika because we wanted to make a change. A change in how we consume, in how we treat our body, nature, and animals. Fern represents the planet Earth and Nature. Through Fika, our community meets and together we put the foundation for a better and greener future. We are reinventing Fika and food by serving the highest quality plant-based experience.
- What type of restaurant: Plantbased
- Appearance restaurant: The café I visited is located in the office landscape Norrsken. The look was therefore adapted accordingly and not with any special cosiness factor, but more modern and bussiness.
- First impression, feeling and energy: The feeling and first impression was neutral.
- Service: Ok and nothing special.
- Appearance food: I drank a beetroot latte and it tasted super good and had a nice pink color.
- Taste: Never tried the food, but the pink latte was super.
- Favorite dish: Have none yet
Fern and coffee have two cafes just like I wrote above. The one in the south is much cozier, more homely and has a completely different feeling than the one I visited at Norrsken. If you only want to have coffee and hang out with some friends, go for the one at söder, but if you are in the city for a business lunch or meeting, the place at Norrsken is super. The idea and vision they have behind the cafe is very good.
“We believe that a positive change towards our wellbeing together with a greener planet starts with the food we choose to put in our bodies. As within so without. That is why it is so important to choose real nourishment without any compromises in the flavor nor the experience “.
Fern and fika get 3/5 stars. This is because I did not experience anything extra with the service, but the latte was super good and next time I will try the food.